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Respond to Google, Facebook, web chat and text messages in one place

November 11, 2021

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When a prospect is evaluating your agency, they will likely end up on your business listing on Google, your page on Facebook or go straight to your website. Often, clients who need help, but don’t want to call, will take the same path.

Of course, you want to make sure you’re there, always ready to answer their questions. But managing multiple conversations from multiple apps is a chore.

We’ll let you in on a secret.

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Just in: The Dave Ramsey integration and prospect campaign

October 25, 2021

Integrations blog ClientCircle

If you’re a Dave Ramsey Trusted Provider, also known as an Endorsed Local Provider (ELP), we have a new tool to help you nurture the leads you receive through with very little work on your part.

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How to set up Google Business Messages

September 20, 2021

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According to Google, mobile queries that contain “insurance near me” grew by more than 100% from 2017 to 2019.

With such a drastic uptick in consumers looking for insurance in their area, it’s important for your agency to have a presence on Google. And since you know prospects and customers are Googling insurance near where they live, you want to make it easy for them to contact you directly on Google.

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How to set up Facebook Messenger for your business

September 20, 2021

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Nearly 70% of adults in the U.S. use Facebook, according to Pew Research Center. Seven in ten of those who do use Facebook, use it daily with nearly half checking Facebook multiple times a day.

With Facebook being this popular among adults, it’s important for you to have a presence there. And since many of your clients and prospects are on Facebook every day, it would be convenient for them if they could message you right there.

One of the simplest ways to up your social media game and be available to your clients and prospects in a way that works for them is to use Facebook Messenger.

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A complete list of communications insurance agents need to send

August 23, 2021

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Wouldn’t it be great if you could throw some seeds on the ground and have a garden full of fresh vegetables a week later? Alas, gardens require much more than that. You need sunlight, soil, water, fertilizer, seeds, time and a bit of a green thumb, too.

A successful business is not much different from a fruitful garden, especially if you think about the amount of time and resources that go into it.

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