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New from ClientCircle: Websites made for insurance

April 19, 2023

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Having a simple, functional, beautiful, and easy-to-update website makes all the difference in how you market your agency and service your clients. But being found online and looking good is not enough anymore.

To truly stand out from the competition and sell more effectively and efficiently, you need a website that connects to your other tools and automates your processes.

Meet websites from ClientCircle.

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How to use AI wisely when writing content for your insurance website

April 14, 2023

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We love new technology that makes our lives easier, but with AI writing tools still in their infancy, we want to help you make sure you use them in a way that truly benefits your business.

AI content has its challenges, and if not reviewed and edited properly, it can do more harm than good. Here’s how to do it well.

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Five things to do with customer testimonials

April 10, 2023

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Testimonials are feedback you collect from your clients. What's great about testimonials is you can control if and how you share them. You can automatically collect new testimonials from your customers through testimonial request emails after they respond to a Net Promoter Score (NPS)® survey.

Here are some ideas on how you can make the most of the testimonials you collect.

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Six ways insurance agents can improve customer loyalty

April 3, 2023

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When you’re trying to find out which clients will leave you a positive review and which customers may be a retention risk, you need a simple, quick survey people will respond to. The Net Promoter Score (NPS®) survey is an easy and effective way to measure client loyalty and receive specific feedback from your customers.

Once you implement the surveys and start getting back the data, you will want to address the feedback you receive. Here’s how to do that.

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How a simple card can help grow your insurance agency referrals

March 13, 2023

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Referrals help your insurance agency grow. And if many of your customers are happy with your agency, you may be wondering why they aren’t referring more people.

Here’s how you can grow your referrals with a simple handwritten card.

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*Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.