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How to build a strong online presence for your insurance agency

March 3, 2023

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Sixty-nine percent of prospects start their insurance search online, which is why it’s so important you make sure your insurance agency comes up at the top of local search results. And once a prospect is on your website, make a positive first impression by having a beautiful, clean site that’s unique and easy to navigate. Your website should help you sell more policies and improve your workflows. Here are 10 things to check to help your insurance agency stand out online.

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ClientCircle is now a preferred Trusted Choice provider

March 1, 2023

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If you’re a Big “I” member, we have awesome news.

You can now receive reimbursement on money spent on ClientCircle through the Trusted Choice Marketing Reimbursement Program. This program helps eligible agencies offset the cost of various marketing and technology expenses with preferred providers.

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Why you shouldn’t buy email lists and what to do instead

February 24, 2023

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Whether you’re starting out as a new insurance agency or are simply looking to grow your leads, it can be tempting to purchase a list of emails. However, this can backfire and do much more harm than good.

Here are the top three reasons why you shouldn’t purchase email lists and what to do instead.

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What insurance agents should send instead of a newsletter

February 15, 2023

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Clients know when they are just another name on your email list. And because they can tell you’re sending the same information to everyone—they no longer feel special.

What works better than a newsletter? Personalized emails with content that makes your clients feel like you’ve picked it just for them.

Agents who use ClientCircle are in on a secret. We have a feature called Client Connect that helps you stay in touch with your customers by sending them personalized content from all around the web—content you’ve selected and approved.

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Six tips for an insurance content library clients will love

February 15, 2023

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If you use ClientCircle, you know that we have a unique approach to newsletters. One of our features, Client Connect, helps agents stay in touch with their customers by sending them personalized content from around the web—content the agent has selected and approved.

Client Connect has many content libraries from which you can choose your stories. From tips for homeowners to content for business owners, we have it covered. But in case you want to build a library from scratch, here are some tips.

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