In the absence of personal recommendations, searching for an insurance agent can be as easy as typing a couple of words into a smartphone. Submit a brief query into Google and you’ve got a digital Rolodex of agencies to choose from. But, with so many options, how are prospects supposed to choose one over another? That’s where online reviews come in, providing consumers with feedback to help them whittle down the field.
Anymore, people expect honest feedback when researching products or services. It’s given considerable power to the consumer—even a single review can have a dramatic impact on sales. In particular, online reviews are extremely valuable for insurance agencies. This is due to the large gap between consumer expectations and what most agencies are actually providing in regards to the number and quality of reviews. People expect to see at least a star-rating before they decide to explore further.
But, in reality, the vast majority (80-90%) of insurance agencies have three reviews or less—with many having none at all. The absence of local reviews across the internet provides a huge opportunity for agencies that do have positive reviews to stand out. Inevitably, most prospects online will pick the agency that others have already vetted out. As a result, the agencies with several positive reviews are regularly displayed and chosen above those with negative ratings, or none at all. It makes perfect sense. People want to know what they’re getting themselves into, and they will regularly trust online review sites to give them the answers.